Every lighting project has its unique needs and characteristics. How strong the light should be, the color and shade of the light, the weight of the lighting fixture, the way the lighting fixtures are installed, the light distribution angle, as well as the design and appearance required by the architect, are all essential considerations for the process of creating a new lighting project.
Lighting a sports field or stadium, for example, will require much stronger lighting than lighting a street or a warehouse. As well as the height of the lighting fixture and its location, vary depending on the type of area and the size of the area to be illuminated.
One of the common problems is the use of a uniform lighting fixture in all projects, without any distinction between the unique needs of each project. And the result, a lighting fixture with standard criteria that defines the lighting solution for all projects and not the other way around the project type defines the lighting solution.
One of the common problems is the use of a uniform lighting fixture in all projects, without any distinction between the unique needs of each project. And the result, a lighting fixture with standard criteria that defines the lighting solution for all projects and not the other way around the project type defines the lighting solution.
Since there is no universal solution for all lighting needs and one fixture cannot be adapted to all projects, there are lighting series consisting of identical products that meet specific needs. The lighting product series of the ENERLEV Group take into account the specific needs of each project in order to choose the most correct lighting fixture for it. The series are focused and high-quality in terms of performance, appearance and price and they provide a perfect answer to all needs without compromising the quality of the product and the level of illumination.
ENERLEV Group series SINTRA, AVEIRO, LAGOS, etc., offer a variety of advantages such as extremely high energy efficiency, anti-glare technology, variable sizes, different structures, a variety of installation arm types to choose from, built-in lighting shade selectors, built-in intensity selectors, and more. Also, among the product series you can find unique features, such as accessibility without tool maintenance, etc.
The product series of the ENERLEV Group were designed to reduce environmental pollution and light pollution, and are also economical from an economic point of view due to the optimal utilization of energy. The company employs engineers who work to find creative and efficient solutions for lighting fixtures that use sustainable methods to save on pollution and costs and, at the same time, work to ensure eye health and the health of the ecological environment of animals and plants.
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